Odaily Planet Daily News: Ripple released the XRP market report for the first quarter of 2024. The key points are as follows: -The low point of XRP price occurred in mid-February and peaked in March, and the volatility level is still above 90%; -Binance continues to account for a large part of XRP's spot exchange trading volume, but the contributions of different exchanges vary. Coinbase, Bitstamp and Upbit also account for a considerable proportion of the total trading volume. The distribution of XRP trading volume across exchanges remained fairly stable in the first quarter, with Binance, Bybit and Upbit accounting for more than 70% of total trading volume; - The percentage of fiat-to-XRP trading volume fell from 15% in the fourth quarter of last year to 11%, and most XRP trading activity is currently related to USDT; - On-chain transaction volume increased by 108%, and the average cost per transaction fell by 45%; - As of March 31, 2024, Ripple holds a total of 4,836,166,156 XRP, and the total amount of XRP hosted on the ledger is 40,100,000,005.