There is a UXlink airdrop in the Web3 wallet.

After some research, I finally figured it out. You need to sign in to get points first, and then use the points to exchange for uxuy for nft. If you have nft, you will definitely get an airdrop!

Let me share the steps to get points first.

1. Buy 20U of ETH spot.

Transfer ETH: withdraw ETH from the spot wallet to the wallet, using the ARB chain.

Wallet assets>10u to get 25uxuy, and then you need to use eth as a handling fee. After the event, eth can be transferred back.

2. Click on the UXlink event on the wallet homepage

Connect wallet

3. Complete Task 1: Click and sign to get different amounts of UXUY according to the ETH balance.

4. Complete sign-in: Click "Check-in" of Task 2 every day and complete the contract interaction to get UXUY rewards.

Get rewards: After completing sign-in, get your UXUY rewards at the bottom of the page.

Continuous sign-in will increase the daily uxuy rewards. When you reach 100uxuy, you can go to mint nft.