In this issue, insert analysis and learn how to do analysis. Let's take the price of $NOT ; it doesn't have time to impress anyone yet. But there is time for everything, sometimes it doesn’t happen right away, but sometimes very quickly. It won’t work out quickly here, since the whales specifically pretend not to pay attention to this project, and no one will buy after them. Next, the most powerful alien project 👽 and the outstanding $NEAR it is to do and issue a protocol; after the plate 🛸 is picked up by a cow 🐄 or a sheep 🐑. We need special procedures for this on a computer, without NEAR there is nowhere, but farming, remember, is the future. And it will always be like this. Pay attention to $PEPE and ask me: what is your favorite fruit? Personally, I prefer this: I like banana 🍌, also kiwi 🥝, in general, of course, I also buy an apple 🍏. Of course strawberry 🍓 is a good berry; Yes, very rarely buy, but love the taste of pear. 🍐

Well, coconut 🥥 is certainly good in appearance, but I’ve never tried it. About melon growing, about watermelon 🍉 to be honest, I don’t like it very much. #notcoin #near #pepe #saturn #listing