There is no doubt that it is definitely a fixed investment in altcoins now. This month, the bullets are fully loaded. Small buys for small drops and large buys for large drops.

My friends who are fixedly investing in altcoins now

In another month, you will definitely kowtow to me and thank me

If you follow the bottom of altcoins now, your ancestors will definitely be smoking

Because in another two months, you will definitely get rich

Of course, there are also short-sighted people who say that it is being adjusted now

You let us bottom-buy and fixed investment in altcoins?

The bull market of altcoins will start to rise wildly in August, September and October

Then you will say why not bottom-buy in August?

If a coin is 5 yuan now, it will rise slowly

When you bottom-buy in August, it may reach 10 yuan

You pay twice the cost

If a coin is a 20-fold coin, you bottom-buy at 5 yuan now, you buy 200,000, and it will rise 20 times, which is 100 yuan, and the profit is 4 million. If you bottom-buy in August, the cost will be 10 yuan. When it rises to 100 yuan, will you only make 10 times?

Therefore, understanding is very important. A loser will always be a loser.

He will never understand the logic in the middle.

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