#Mode ecological project ionic recently announced that the first round of ION airdrop qualification query website will be open until May 30. 30 million IONs are used for airdrop SZN1. The snapshot was completed on May 15. 16% of the total amount of the first round of airdrops will be distributed on May 30, and the rest will be distributed in the next 3 months. Unclaimed tokens will be returned to the treasury and redistributed to loyal users in community initiatives and future incentive programs. Another 20 million IONs will be used for airdrop SZN2, starting on May 15 and ending on September 15. Users who participated in the airdrop SZN1 and continue to participate in the airdrop SZN2 will receive bonuses, and new pools and functions will generate Ionic points. The second round of airdrops is designed to reward users who contribute to the development of the protocol and ION tokens. The total supply of ION is 1 billion, and the initial circulation is 19 million. What do you think about this? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss! 😉