JTO just went short, wasn't it smooth? It went up and down the same way. So when the market is good, we only pick those coins that have been weak in continuous pull-up. JTO lost a little when we opened a short position the day before yesterday, but it doesn't affect us to continue to short it today!

This is the logic I said in my previous post:

One pull is fierce, two pulls are as fierce as a tiger, and three pulls are paper tigers. Why do we always lose money sometimes? Because we are not firm enough, we try this and that, and finally fail and leave the market, and we will only think: TMD, blockchain scam, there is a saying I like. When you come to the currency circle, you must be strong in gambling, don't change it all the time. If you have set your sights on a currency, then keep an eye on it; do you know what it means to stay with the eagle? Only if you can stay with it, you will win!

At present, WIF on the sol chain has not pulled up much, I would suggest ambush, because it is not that it does not show, but that it has not started. Wait, keep waiting

This week I recommend two codes:


The former was recommended at 0.15 and is currently at 0.2

The latter was recommended at 0.79 and I once led a Heyue order and hit a stop loss, then got on board at 0.78. Currently, my spot MYRO is still there and the contract has come out. If the HIFI order falls back to 78, it will be a loss. If it doesn't fall back, everyone is ready to congratulate me, I will show you orders above 1.

Both of them are still good. As for how good they are in the analysis, you can go back and look at my previous tweets, or make a comprehensive evaluation through the tools you have.