Asset prices, this process of ups and downs is always mysterious and complicated. The market is always accompanied by various good news and bad news, which emerge one after another in the process of asset prices rising or falling. Of course, if you think that these news are the direct cause of price changes, then you may be mistaken. These news are actually just byproducts of market price fluctuations, not the real driving force of price fluctuations. Prices rise only because they can no longer fall; similarly, prices fall only because they can no longer rise.

If you look at the market trends over the past few years, you will understand. For example, Bitcoin rose wildly at the end of 2017, with all kinds of good news emerging one after another, some of which were even unfounded. However, these good news were not the real reason for the rise of Bitcoin. On the other hand, the same situation occurred in the big drop in 2018, with all kinds of negative news overwhelming, but they were just accessories to the drop.

So, the question is, what really drives price changes? The answer is simple, the supply and demand relationship in the market. When buyers are stronger than sellers, asset prices rise; conversely, prices fall. It is like gravity, which cannot be resisted or changed. It is determined by the collective behavior of market participants.

In fact, this also explains why asset prices sometimes rise even when there is no good news, or why prices can remain stable even when negative news is flying around. That is because, at this time, no matter what the news is, the supply and demand relationship in the market has already determined the direction of the price.

However, you should also understand that although supply and demand are the main factors driving price changes, they are not the only factors. There are many other influencing factors in the market, such as policies, technology, market sentiment, etc., which will affect asset prices to a certain extent.

Well, having said so much, let's predict the future market. Based on the current market supply and demand relationship, as well as the capital trends and policy trends in recent times, we can foresee that Bitcoin is likely to maintain a steady upward trend in the future. Of course, the market is always full of variables, and this is just one possible trend. The specific market situation still requires friends to combine their own situation, make comprehensive judgments, and invest rationally.

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