We see, friends, that those who are right are in no hurry. After making this post, only #Bitcoin rose more than 10%. Nobody here knows what the next move will be, but we, those who trade in this market, are a little luckier, at least we have cycles that we encounter with tangible data. I tried to explain to everyone around me and in broadcasts that this rise we are experiencing is only a $BTC rally and that we have not experienced satisfactory prices for altcoins yet. Yes, the rally this time is more difficult than the previous bull period, but those who know the cycle and stick to the plan continue to win. To be honest, my spot portfolio has melted by more than 40%, including profits, but as you can see, all colors and scenes can change in crypto in 2 days, so we continue to take transactions in line with the targets and hold on tightly to our spot portfolio. Don't let anyone sell you a dream, make your plan and stick to it. #Binance #btc