Evening of May 17:

Make plans and preparations for stop loss, and always put stop loss first.

From the current structure, a wave of pull-ups in the afternoon came to a high of 66,000 and stabilized. From the perspective of KDJ and MACD indicators, there will be a retracement in the future, but from the current K-line performance, the strength of the retracement still needs to be examined. In the evening, continue to rely on the intraday thinking to retrace more, and pay attention to whether the 65,500 first-line bottom line support will turn around.

Operation suggestions:

Big cake: 65,500-66,000 more, target 67,000-68,000, defense 653,000;

Second cake: 3,000-3,050 more, target 3,100-3,200, defense 2,980.

(Hangqing is changing rapidly, for reference only!)

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