2024 is almost halfway through, and the entire cryptocurrency market has experienced ups and downs, experiencing despair in hope and welcoming hope in despair.

For most people, it is particularly anxious, which is also the norm in the financial market. Everyone needs to experience it and cannot be avoided.

So don’t care too much about the current gains and losses, because the market has been continuing, and the winners and losers have not yet been revealed. Of course, for some people who have blown up their positions, they will be out in advance.

Because you are not in the circle, this financial game in the cryptocurrency circle has nothing to do with you.

So you must make sure you are alive at all times, otherwise no matter how good the opportunity is, you can’t change your destiny.

Whether it is a contract or a spot, the core of making money lies in the trend. Whether it is up or down, only if you buy in the right direction can you make a profit.

The market that has come out can only become history. The only thing that has something to do with us is the trend that has not yet happened, so there is only one focus at the moment: which direction will the subsequent market go?

Upward, naturally, you must firmly hold the spot or go long to make a profit; downward, naturally, Reduce spot positions and short contracts

But there is one thing to note here: that is the cycle. There is an essential difference between the big trend and the small trend

The big trend brings dozens of times the return, while the small trend brings a return of more than ten points

So, whether you choose spot or contract, you must make a decision under the premise of clarifying this point, otherwise you are just gambling. If it rises, chase it in, and if it falls, cut your losses and leave the market. You are anxious all day long and exhausted physically and mentally

Small cycles are not difficult at all in the technical field. You only need to learn a little naked K technology and catch a market of more than ten points, basically with your eyes closed

Short-term trading with small cycles only needs to meet three conditions to basically guarantee profits. It is not difficult

First, you can find support and pressure positions

Second, be patient enough to wait for the market that you can understand

Third, have enough time to watch the market and strictly implement stop-profit and stop-loss

For friends who want to do short-term trading, you only need to master a small trick, and it is very simple for you to turn losses into profits

As long as you keep practicing, short-term trading is a flow operation, and when the opportunity comes, just follow the steps