After the release of the US CPI data for April, several major banks on Wall Street released their latest research reports to comment on the data. JPMorgan said that inflation is returning to the downward track and still believes that the Fed will cut interest rates for the first time in July. Morgan Stanley said that they expect inflation to cool down more in the future, especially in the second half of the year, and still believe that the Fed will cut interest rates for the first time in September this year. Goldman Sachs said that they maintain the expectation that the Fed will cut interest rates by 25 basis points for the first time in July, and the Fed will move forward at the pace of cutting interest rates once a quarter thereafter.

Concerns about "secondary inflation" in the United States have eased, economic indicators and CPI are weak, and the possibility of the Fed cutting interest rates this year is emerging. The US stock index has reached a new high, and the big cake has rebounded by nearly 10 points. With the weakness of US employment and economic indicators, it is expected that inflation will be difficult to pick up in the later period, and discussions about interest rate cuts will increase. Market support will gradually strengthen until the interest rate cut is fully priced in, ending this round of adjustments and entering a bull market. (Bitcoin is stronger than expected this summer, which is related to the decline in inflation and the increase in holdings of Bitcoin spot ETFs by many mainstream investment banks mentioned above. In previous years, the Bitcoin market was weak in the summer)#美国4月CPI数据回落 #币世界中本聪 #跟着驰哥学交易