Old Wine Trading Diary: Daily Interpretation 5.17

① Intraday ultra-short-term pressure: 66500

Break through 66500 and you can continue to reach a small new high. Then the next pressure position is what I mentioned yesterday, 67000-67200. But today, I want to see the price break through 66500, which is somewhat uncertain. There is a high probability that it will encounter resistance and fall back before this position.

② Intraday ultra-short-term support: 64200-64400

The support position below is between 64200-64400. This position is where I may plan to buy more at a low price, and the defensive position is 64000. If 64000 is destroyed by the bears again, the short-term trend will fall into hourly level shocks. At that time, it is hard to say whether it will continue to rise or turn around and fall.

Summary: The short-term trend is reversed. It is currently in a continuous rebound at the daily level. After that, the market will not be blindly optimistic for the time being, especially for the cottages that only have one shot. #BTC走势分析