ATOM emergency market strategy analysis

📉 Short-side forces dominate the market: At present, ATOM has shown a strong dominance of short-side forces at the 1-hour to 4-hour levels, and the market is showing a downward trend.

📌 Daily key price analysis: The daily price of 8.608 has become the key to today. If this price can be effectively supported, the bulls are expected to take this opportunity to reverse the situation and show their advantages.

💼 Detailed explanation of pressure and support levels: If ATOM successfully breaks through the current downward trend, it will face the test of the two pressure levels of 8.610 and 8.715. However, if it cannot break through the daily price, it is necessary to be vigilant against further counterattacks by short forces. In this case, the three key support levels of 8.143, 8.469 and 8.420 will become the focus of market attention.

🛡️ Defense first, steady trading: Warriors, in contract trading, defense is always the first priority. Only on the premise of ensuring your own safety can you steadily pursue profits and enjoy the sense of accomplishment brought by trading. Do not blindly pursue high returns and ignore risks. Stay calm and rational to stay invincible in market fluctuations.


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