Judging from the current trend, Bitcoin surged twice last night, reaching a peak of 66,800, but then it was weak and prices continued to fall. The lowest price in the early morning was around 64,500 and rebounded with support. From the performance of Ethereum, it can be seen that the trend of Ethereum is still relatively weak and it has not given a good opportunity.

The long orders we shared yesterday also had mixed losses and profits. The aggressive 65,300 long orders we gave in the afternoon were also broken in the evening decline. Due to the overall weak trend of Ethereum, long orders have completed defense, and 2940 long orders are currently being held!

Overall, Bitcoin is currently supported by the four-hour MA360 moving average, which is around 65200. The price has rebounded slightly. The hourly line is also supported by the MA7 moving average around 65300. Overall, Bitcoin's pullback last night was still within expectations. The support of 64300 was mentioned yesterday morning.

Ether's price drop is not as large as Bitcoin's because of its weaker trend. The price correction range is also within our expectations. Friends who hold long positions at the bottom don't need to panic!

So from the current trend, we still need to pay attention to the current price pull around the support point. If the price can stabilize at the current support, we can continue to participate in long positions!

BBTC is temporarily suppressed at 65800-66500, and Ethereum is temporarily suppressed at 2965-3010!