UXLINK token airdrop is coming! (Including detailed guide and how to obtain NFT)

This article will introduce in detail the role of UXLINK NFT and the airdrop task strategy of the official website. After completing a set of airdrop tasks, you can get at least 1,100 UXUY tokens! 🤑🤑🤑🤑

The article is long, so in order not to waste your time, the content about NFT will be put at the end.


Tools needed:

  • Web3 wallet (Binance Web3 wallet, Little Fox wallet. Any wallet that supports the ARB-ETH chain is acceptable)

  • It is recommended to prepare gas fees in the wallet. You need ETH from the ARB chain. If you do not do the wallet quota pledge task, a few U of ETH is enough.

If you are doing the wallet balance task, it is sufficient to have about 15u of ARB-ETH in your balance.

Note! It must be an ARB chain, otherwise it won’t work!

  • VPN, Twitter account, Telegram account, an email address to receive verification codes, translator (optional)

(The first and second steps are tutorials for those who have never tried airdrops. Experienced users can skip to the third step.)


  • Open your wallet, and in the browser in your wallet, copy and paste the airdrop website above. A pop-up window will appear.

    (This is a sign-in airdrop task in cooperation with Anan. If you have done it in Anan wallet, you don’t need to do it), just fork it, as shown below

  • Click the "connect" button in the upper left corner (as shown in Figure 1), then go to "Figure 2" and click "Connect Wallet"

Figure 1
Figure II

Figure 3
  • Go to the "Figure 3" interface. It depends on what type of wallet you are currently using. Just select the corresponding one.

  • After selecting, you will be prompted to sign. Just click OK to sign.

3. Airdrop Mission

  • There are only three tasks of this type to get 20 tokens, and there are a total of 45 tasks of this type.

Just need to complete three steps: link wallet, follow Twitter, and retweet

  • After connecting to the wallet link above, scroll down and you will see a brief introduction of the project partner. Click on it, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1

  • Then come to Figure 2, the first one is to connect the wallet task click the "connect" link

The second one, “Follow @pureverselif”, is to follow the Twitter of the cooperative project party. Click it to follow the Twitter of the cooperative project party (as shown in Figure 2)

The third "RT Tweet" is to forward a tweet. Click it to forward the tweet of the partner of the cooperative project (as shown in Figure 2)

  • When it is done, it will display "+5 UXUY" or "+10 UXUY", which means it is completed, as shown in Figure 3

Note: The tasks of following and retweeting tweets may not be available due to network congestion. Generally, you can do it in the early morning or other times when there are fewer people.

  • After finishing, return to the initial interface, as shown below. Swipe to the right to find other tasks to do. Repeat the above task steps.

There are six different sections, each with 6-10 tasks of this type, for a total of 45.

After finishing, there will be about 20*45=900 UXUY

2. Odyssey Series

Link: https://dapp.uxlink.io/quest?inviteCode=07158732

This series of tasks is more troublesome than the simple link interaction tasks above, but the rewards are also richer.

After opening Odyssey, you can see the Monas National Monument in Jakarta

There will be three missions available:

  • Step 1——Follow Quest

    (The interactive tasks between Telegram and Twitter will be discussed in detail later)

  • step2——invitation task

    (Friends can get rewards after entering through your invitation link and completing the task)

    Invitees can get 27.0 UXUY Inviters can get 79.0 UXUY

  • Step 3——UXSBT task (forging exclusive NFT, how to forge will be explained in detail below)

Step 1 Task Explanation

  • Take 1: Link Telegram and launch the UXLINK Telegram bot

(Open Telegram and click the "Connect Telegram bot" link first, then click "Verify" to verify. The same goes for the following tasks)

  • Take 2: Join the UXLINK official Telegram group

(After joining, send /verify in the group. Then come back to verify)

  • Take 3: Follow @UXLINKofficial

  • Take4: Retweet UXLINK announcement (retweet)

  • Take5: Tag 3 friends on the X with #UXLINK and @UXLINKofficial

(Retweet with#UXLINKin the title and @UXLINKofficial, and @ your three friends)

After finishing, click "Reword 20 UXUY" to receive

Step 2 Task Explanation

  • Copy Link---Copy link

    Send the link to your friends or your own account, and then complete Step 1 to get the reward.

  • Clanim Now---Withdrawal

    Withdraw the UXUY tokens obtained from the invitation to the UX wallet (this is the official wallet, specially designed for this event)

Step 3 Task Explanation

To forge your own NFT, you need to complete the five certifications in the official UXPro file before you can forge it. It will be automatically completed after forging. I'll put the link below so you don't have to look for it.


  • Take1:email

    (Add and bind email)

  • Take2:Social Media

(Link social software, linking one of them will meet the requirements for completing the task. It is recommended to bind both of them because subsequent tasks will require Telegram and Twitter)

  • Take3:UXWallet

    (Activate UX wallet)

  • Take4:EVM Wallet

    (Link wallet)

  • Take5:UXSBT

    (To mint NFT, you need to pay 10uyux and a little gas fee)

Note: After completing this, you will get additional airdrop opportunities, so it is highly recommended to complete it.

That’s all for now. This article is too long, so I’ll put the content of “The role of NFT and how to forge it” and “How to recharge GAS fees to the UXLINK wallet” in this article.

NFT and GAS Fees

Regarding the content of the airdrop tokens, if the response is good, I will rush to release the remaining ones immediately😘😘Like + follow, and you won’t get lost. If you have any questions, please leave a message in the comment area, and I will reply as soon as I have time.

(I also like technical trading, and will share my views from time to time. If you are interested, you can comment below)


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