⚠️Why it is a bad idea to buy now🚀

Hello beautiful and successful people, the secret to being successful in any market is simple: buy low, sell high.

But the inexperienced do the opposite, they get carried away by emotion, wanting not to be left out of the wave and entering just when the wave is about to break, that is, buying high at the highest point.

And selling disappointed because the wave is no longer happening, that is, selling cheap.

But remember that just as the wave never rises again, other waves come, and maybe even bigger ones, tsunamis.

If we analyze the market we can see that it is bullish, it is unpredictable what will happen, but many cryptocurrencies are about to break their waves.

Be careful and analyze, don't buy expensive.

Pay attention because I am going to release a post that explains the tokens.

What do you think is a good or bad time to buy?