1. With the approval of formal funds flowing into Bitcoin ETF, we have witnessed more and more formal funds pouring into the market, which has gradually made the market more standardized and scaled up. With the entry of big funds, the market is no longer an area that can be easily controlled by a few small institutions or some large investors. I personally believe that future market conditions are likely to be significantly affected by Wall Street capital. Considering the weakening of the hegemony of the US dollar, these capitals are looking for new ways to harvest global wealth. Obviously, the cryptocurrency market (or "currency circle") has become an extremely attractive option. Although the standardization of the market is a positive trend, it may also mean that the myth of wealth creation in the previous rounds of cryptocurrency will gradually come to an end, and the profits gained by retail investors may also gradually decrease.

2. There are fewer and fewer new concepts. Bitcoin takes four years to evolve, and each stage is refreshing the world's understanding. From the initial payment currency, to value storage and digital gold, or to the subversion and impact on sovereign currencies, mainstream financial systems and other fields, it has been questioned again and again and has gained mythical gains.

3. Since the meme market started this year, a large number of newbies have been attracted to enter the market. Newbies are most likely to be harvested by old leeks when they enter the market. Most people bring newbies to make contracts, but contracts are the fastest way to lose money. , especially novices, because I have never seen an old leek who can play the contract well, not even one of them. They all come up and talk a lot, but when asked how much they earned, they all lose money. Although I am in a bad state, I always feel that I can turn around. This is basically the idea of ​​​​playing contracts in the currency circle. So it's extremely confusing. The spot players just have no idea and ask you to hold it. When you get it, you find that the big bear is coming and is buried.

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