Sol is rising, heading for 200? Where to escape the top?

This wave of short-term rise is still to see 175 first. Then, if you want to escape the top, we have talked about it many times in our program. It will upgrade on May 27, so short-term can be shipped on May 27.

As for the long-term, our program has also analyzed it many times. SOL is now at the starting position of the fifth wave of rise. From 130-140, we have called everyone to get on the train many times. This wave of long-term at least sees the historical high of 250. Among them, it will fluctuate at the previous high of 200-210 this year, and then break through. However, this is still early. At present, we first look at the positive upgrade on May 27, and the trend is based on our script.

Then in addition to Sol, Ondo, which we have been nursing these days, is also leading the market, and Trump, the dog currency, is even more exaggerated. It has doubled directly, from 5u to 10u!

This is more exaggerated than I thought, it is an unexpected surprise~😘