The strong rise of the market at midnight also injected some vitality into the market. After stabilizing above 66000, it slowly fell into shock. In the morning, it also ushered in a new intraday high of 66644. Then the market basically took a shocking downward trend in the morning and afternoon. Da Bing and Yi Tai Duo Dan, who entered the factory at midnight, successfully won 1538+61 points of space and left the factory in the morning after the market ran overnight. As the saying goes, good winds rely on strength, and if you don't do such a simple thing as going with the flow, the rebellious psychology is really harmful; always remember that following the trend will definitely not fail, but the road ahead cannot be rushed, and it takes time to reap the fruits. #BTC走势分析 #ETFvsBTC #5月市场关键事件 $BTC $ETH $BNB

After the market surged in two waves, the Duotou was slightly weak and gave pressure, which is also a normal correction method. It is currently fluctuating around 66,000. The Bollinger Bands at the hourly level have narrowed significantly. There is still a need for oscillation and accumulation in the short term. The KDJ Sanxian turned and opened upward. For the future trend, I still look at the palm. In the evening, the Buju will be based on Duo.

Big Cake: 65,500-66,000 Duo, pay attention to 66,800

Aunt: 2,990-3,010 Duo, pay attention to 3,060