Main Image text: #BTC

To review the date of the historical article, you need to confirm whether the attached pictures are correct.

——Review the previous text of the attached figure (mentioned above):

※ Following the previous article, we started to finish the uptrend around 0:00 on the 16th. Since the end of this uptrend has a special meaning, we only explained it in the group. It is not a high point, so the high point is not used, so it is as shown in the attached picture. Continue to wait for a new high after 2 am. But it is no longer possible.

——Future (Follow-up):

★We should pay attention to whether there will be a gate in the future. It is not sure whether the gate is related to the empty owner of ETH on the 16th, but as long as there is no event today, there will be multiple owners on the 17th.

Pay attention to the time to draw the door between 19:00 and 0:00 on the 17th. If you don’t draw the door, it will be at a low point.