CPI meets low expectations, Bitcoin returns to 66,000. Those who are afraid of high prices are miserable

1. Overnight, the CPI data released by the beautiful fund met low expectations. Traders firmly bet on the expectations of interest rate cuts in September and December. $BTC rose sharply to 64,000. After the opening of the US stock market, the power of ETF pushed Bitcoin above 66,000. From the 1-hour K-line indicator, there is a need for a callback. The 4-hour, 12-hour, and daily indicators all show a bullish trend. In terms of operation, you can call back and take more, and just hold the spot

2. As of 4 a.m., the net inflow of Bitcoin ETFs on the US stock market that day was US$166.93 million, of which: the largest net inflow was IBIT under BlackRock, which was US$196.64 million, and the largest net outflow was FBTC under Fidelity, which was -US$27.42 million

3. From the Bitcoin transaction liquidation map, most of the short positions have been liquidated, and only a few short positions are still resisting. The long positions simply do not have enough counterparties, so you should also pay attention to the risks.

#美国4月CPI数据回落 #BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件 #ETFvsBTC #Meme币你看好哪一个?