Senior officials from the US and China secretly met in Geneva on Tuesday to discuss how to ensure emerging artificial intelligence (AI) technologies do not become an existential danger.

The meeting is part of the bilateral dialogue agreed between the two countries in San Francisco six months ago, aimed at opening an official dialogue channel on one of the most advanced technologies today, with far-reaching effects. to the economy, military and culture.

According to the Washington Post, the US delegation was led by Tarun Chhabra, senior director for technology and national security of the National Security Council, and Seth Center, acting special envoy of the State Department for technology. important and emerging. The Chinese side will be led by officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Development and Reform Commission.

The goal of the meeting is to discuss measures to control and manage risks from AI applications, especially in the areas of commerce, national security and defense.

AI is now playing an important role in the US-China rivalry. Sophisticated AI algorithms can give a country an advantage in many areas such as military, economics and culture. Experts fear AI could be exploited for disinformation campaigns and cyberattacks.

Both sides agreed on the importance of avoiding misuse of AI and committed to working together to ensure that the technology develops safely and sustainably.

The US has sought to establish some rules around AI technology while promoting its development. In contrast, China tends to have stricter controls on the development and use of AI.

The meeting in Geneva is considered a positive step in promoting cooperation between the US and China in identifying risks and challenges related to AI, as well as finding effective solutions to address them. .

Although there is no specific information about the outcome of the meeting, many experts believe that this is a positive step in international cooperation to solve complex problems related to AI technology.