There are 189 ROBOTAXI currency holding addresses, compared with 140 yesterday, the consensus is getting bigger and bigger

Many people suggest to use the Ethereum chain, why should we stick to the Sol chain, because the soil of the Sol chain itself is easy to produce big golden dogs, low gas, many users, and concentrated traffic heat

The big golden dogs gme acm kitty released this time are all on the Sol chain, and the performance of the Ethereum chain is very general. The mood of meme has just improved in the past few days, and the mood can be quantified. GME took 3 days to achieve a market value of 120 million US dollars. There was no big golden dog in the past few weeks. The current market is hungry

As long as there is a good theme and narrative, funds will test the water.

#BOBOTAXI #GameStop带动Meme板块 #Meme币你看好哪一个?