Vitalik Buterin is the co-founder of Ethereum, and his efficiency and professionalism in writing EIP (Ethereum Improvement Proposal) have been recognized by the community. After the release of EIP-3074, it caused some controversy in the community due to its incompatibility with the earlier ERC-4437 proposal. To solve this problem, Vitalik co-wrote a new proposal EIP-7702 in just 22 minutes, which can be included as an alternative in the upcoming Pectra upgrade.

This event demonstrated Vitalik's professional ability and quick response to community feedback. His work efficiency and expertise were praised by Ansgar Dietrichs, a core developer of Ethereum. At the same time, Christine Kim, vice president of research at Galaxy, also said that all stakeholder groups are positive about Vitalik's alternative.

This incident also reflects the openness and inclusiveness of the Ethereum community. For existing problems and disputes, community members can seek solutions by proposing new proposals instead of just arguing and complaining. This positive attitude to solving problems is also an important reason why the Ethereum community can continue to develop and progress. #VitalikButerin #EIP #以太坊行情走势分析