BTC: Bitcoin fluctuated slightly downward yesterday, and the daily chart closed with a medium-sized Yin line. The day before yesterday, Bitcoin rebounded to retest the pressure of the 200-day moving average of the four hours. It couldn't get through and came back. It was normal to come back. There was nothing bad. It is still volatile in the short term. The support near 60,000 below is still there. Today, we will focus on the support around 60,500 below and the pressure of 64,000. The Federal Reserve will release CPI data tonight. Today's fluctuations should be larger. If the data is positive, it may break through the pressure of 64,000. If it is negative, it may test 58,500. However, from the speech of Fed Chairman Cellwell last night, it may not be very ideal. Everyone should be prepared. Bitcoin should maintain a narrow range of fluctuations during the day today. In addition, in this period of directionless fluctuations, it is particularly susceptible to some positive and negative market influences.

ETH: Ethereum also gave up the rebound of the day before yesterday yesterday, but continue to pay attention to the support of 2830 below, and the pressure above is 3100. Ethereum should continue to fluctuate with Bitcoin in the short term. If 2830 breaks, it will further test 2740. Be prepared, because of the unpredictability of data, it is difficult to make a probability analysis for everyone today.

Strategy: We basically don’t need to pay attention to these data before, but when there is no direction in the oscillation period, the market is easily affected by these news, but these influences only affect the short-term volatility space, not the medium- and long-term trends. In addition, the cottage has been very dog ​​these days. I don’t know how to say it. I’m tired of talking about it, but I can only say that the worst is over. I can only continue to lie flat. We haven’t talked about cottages for a long time. Basically, we can’t say it. If you have been in the early stage, lie flat first, and if you haven’t, watch it first.

I bought Ethereum cake the day before yesterday. Today, you can consider getting out first or making a stop loss.

Pay attention to the CPI data of the old United States today. The fluctuation should be larger when the data is released. It will be released at 8:30.

#ETH #BTC走势分析