Yesterday, the price of the coin was around 63,000, and Hangqin fell all the way to around 61,000. After that, Hangqin has been in a state of shock repair, and has been repeatedly sawing!

From the overall structure of the market, there is a short-term continuation of the bullish trend. The hourly coin price rebounded to below the middle track after touching the lower track of the Bollinger band. Although the kinetic energy is weak, the three lines of KDJ have a slight upward trend, which has a certain small bullish basis, indicating that the volatility will not be too large in the short term. The overall rhythm may maintain range shocks and seesaw adjustments, with 60,800-61,000 as the bottom support. For intraday operations, first maintain a low-multiple thinking!

Operational suggestions

Big cake: Directly go long near 61,000, the target is 62,500 area, and a strong break will continue to look at 63,000! #BTC #ETH #BTC走势分析