#Airdrop #质押 #空投埋伏

@sanctumso Pledge pets, get the best of both worlds Sanctum points event + LST potential airdrop, 18 LST pets pledged, are they all randomly pledged or fully pledged, share a few LST with better rewards

Sanctum points event: https://sanc.tm/w?ref=E0AZK4

1️⃣@heliuslabs sanctum page information and its tweets all hint at potential airdrops. Hold hSOL

2️⃣@Pathfinders__Get the NFT whitelist that will be launched soon. Hold pathSOL in Sanctum

3️⃣@thevaultfinance governance token airdrops. Holders of vSOL and upgraded Vaultie pets will be eligible for points

4️⃣ Validator reward airdrops bonkSOL, picoSOL, hubSOL

Users holding 1 bonkSOL will receive BONK rewards

PicoSOL: Its block rewards will be airdropped to the LST pool

HubSOL: Loyalty Alliance Program, daily snapshot of loyalty points, weekly airdrops of hubSOL rewards based on user loyalty points (holding at least 0.3SOL worth of shares)

Solanahub interface: https://solanahub.app/staking

Native staking or liquidity staking can choose hubSOL, mSOL, bSOL

#Crypto#ETH#BTC6317587901#Testnet#NFT#Giveaway#Alpha#whitelist#Cryptocurrency#web3#Airdrop #ZeroRoll