Why buy Ethereum Layer 2

In the Ethereum ecosystem, the rise and adoption of the second layer network is due to a profound consideration of the system's scalability, efficiency, and fairness. In the Ethereum economic model before August 5, 2021, all gas fees were paid directly to miners. Although this incentivized miners to maintain the network, it also led to vicious competition and rising transaction fees when the network was congested. To solve this problem, Ethereum introduced a new economic model through the London upgrade, which divided gas fees into two parts: network fees and miner fees, of which network fees were destroyed. This change marked the entry of Ethereum into the era of deflation.

However, with the continuous development of the Ethereum ecosystem, the simple miner incentive model can no longer meet the needs of continued ecological prosperity. Therefore, the core developers of Ethereum proposed a further economic model reform, which is to subdivide gas fees into three parts: network fees, miner fees, and contract developer fees. This reform aims to distribute benefits more fairly and encourage contract developers to contribute more high-quality smart contracts and DApps to the Ethereum ecosystem.

In the Ethereum ecosystem, contract developers play a vital role. They have promoted the prosperity of the entire ecosystem through innovation and technological breakthroughs. However, in the previous model, these developers often could not directly benefit from gas fees, which limited their motivation to contribute to the ecosystem. By allocating a portion of gas fees to contract developers, Ethereum can attract more developers to join and motivate them to create more value for the ecosystem.

From a more macro perspective, Ethereum is gradually becoming a decentralized blockchain country. In this country, the second-layer network plays an important role. They carry most of the transactions, DeFi applications, games and other businesses, allowing the Ethereum mainnet to focus on consensus and security management. As the second-layer ecosystem continues to grow and enrich, Ethereum will become a more complete and prosperous blockchain world.

Therefore, investing in the tokens of the Ethereum second-layer network is not only a positive view of the Ethereum ecosystem, but also a trust in the future development of blockchain technology. As the Ethereum second-layer network continues to improve and grow, the value of these tokens will continue to increase.

Some people will ask if it is possible to enter at this time?

You can wait a while. The layout opportunity will be in Zhigao Village Committee. You should have a plan when you have a certain amount of funds!

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#热门话题 #Layer2