According to BlockBeats, according to market data, the "Keith Peripheral" concept Meme coins have all seen significant increases, including:

The price of GME on the Solana chain is currently $0.01676, up 314.9% in 24 hours;

The GME price on the Ethereum chain is currently reported at $0.00001874, a 24-hour increase of 230%;

The price of REDDIT on the Solana chain is currently $0.001137, a 24-hour increase of 1600%;

The price of REDDIT on the Ethereum chain is currently $0.01051, a 24-hour increase of 426%;

Note: Keith Gill is the leader of the GameStop short squeeze. In 2021, he posted on Reddit, calling on retail investors to buy GameStop stock to counter institutional short selling, triggering a continuous short squeeze and causing significant financial impact on some hedge funds.