There are nine taboos for cryptocurrency trading. If you commit more than seven of them, there is no hope.

1. All in gambling: betting all your assets on one coin is too risky! Reasonably diversify your investments to avoid losses.

2. Chasing ups and downs: chasing when you see the price of the coin soaring, and selling in a hurry when it plummets. Staying calm and operating according to the plan is the kingly way.

3. Ignoring stop loss: There is no awareness of stop loss, and you still hold on to illusions when you fall into the abyss. Set a stop loss position and stop loss in time to avoid greater losses.

4. Believe in gossip: listen to the wind and believe it, blindly follow the so-called "inside information". Do more research and make your own judgment.

5. Frequent operations: staring at the market all day long, buying and selling frequently. Excessive trading will only increase handling fees and psychological pressure.

6. Not doing homework: blindly buying coins without understanding the background and technology of the project. You must do research before investing to avoid stepping on thunder.

7. Emotional investment: you will expand when you make money, and you will lose control when you lose money. Stay rational and avoid being swayed by emotions.

8. Greed without limit: Not satisfied with profits, always want to make more. Set reasonable goals and stop when the time comes.

9. Over-leverage: Borrowing money to trade in cryptocurrencies, using leverage to amplify returns while also amplifying risks. Do what you can and control risks.

As an investor who has been working in the crypto industry for many years, I am willing to share my experience and insights with you. If you are interested in the crypto industry but don't know how to start, you might as well follow my homepage and discuss the mysteries and future possibilities of the crypto industry with me. Click on the avatar to find me.

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