Statistics of various popular animal memes on the market:

The 🐶memes with a market value of more than 1b (1 billion) are:

1. $doge(21.38b) 

2. $shib (13.72b)

3. $wif(3b)

4. $floki (1.82b)

5. $bonk(1.5b)

🐶memes with more than 100m (100 million) u are:

1.  $babydoge(245m)

2. $dog Rune (215m)

3. $myro(154m)

4. $bone(144m)

5. $elon (≈100m)

🐶meme that briefly reached 100m:

1. $aidoge(67.83m)

2. $leash(42m)

3. $KISHU(36m)

4. $only(30m)

5. $dc(16m)

6. $milo(14m)

7. $ready(72m)

🐱memes with more than 100m are:

1. $popcat(480m)

2. $mew(292m)

3. $shepherd(226m)

4. $mog(221m)

5. $toshi (124m)

6. $wen(120m)

7. $sc(100m)

🐱meme that briefly reached 100m:

1. $maneki (50.43m)

2. $nub(31.37m) 

3. $catgirl(19.7m)

What else is popular? $pajamas (15.55m) $mini (13m)

🐸's meme:

1. $pepe(4.26b)

2. $trees(746m)

3. $pepecoin(421m)

4. $apu(272m)

5. $pork(99.31m)

6. $turbo(61m)

The boysclub concept derived from pepe:

1. $Brett(340m)

2. $bobo(94m)

3. $andy(65m)

🦥Sloth meme: 1. $slerf (140m) 2. $sloth (94m)

🐵's meme: 1. $pups (116m) 2. $ponke (99.85m)

🐔's meme: $coq (170m)

🦆's memes: 1. $epik (12.25m) 2. $duck (10m)

🦖's meme: 1. $yooshi (200m) 2. $dino (2m) This is really garbage

🐊 $nap is just garbage

🐷 $pig (24m The first animal meme to pay dividends in 2021, and it’s still garbage now)

🐟 $fish (20m) shouldn't have launched that rubbish pre-sale, otherwise it wouldn't have been surpassed by $redo. Once a meme starts empowering, it's the beginning of its fall. A meme should be purely a meme.


🔸 Should I buy meme? That is the question

Let’s take a look at the biggest drawdowns since the local highs in Q1 and the year-to-date performance (or since launch) of 10 outstanding and popular projects:

Altcoins, maximum drawdown, performance since the beginning of the year %

KUJI -72% -64%

DYM -71% -48%

LOVE -65% -25%

STRENGTH -59% -40%

ALL           -58%                        -7%

PEOPLE -56% 34%

SUI           -56%                       23%

NEAR       -52%                       101%

THIS -51%                     10%

PENDLE  -49%                       232%

Average drawdown: -59%

Average return: 22%

Now let’s look at 10 popular meme coins:

meme coin, maximum drawdown, performance at the beginning of the year %

POPCAT  -75%                     3079%

GROK      -75%                     79%

MOG      -69%                    1234%

BONK     -69%                      70% 

COQ       -63%                      13%

WIF        -60%                      2177%

FLOKI     -60%                        456%

BABY -57% 691%

SHIB -48% 127%

DOGE    -45%                        68% 

Average drawdown: -62%

Average return: 800%

in conclusion

Everyone thought that memecoins had much greater losses than good projects with fundamentals.

But judging from the sample data, this does not seem to be the case.

The average losses are within 5% of each other, but the returns on these memecoins are almost 40x higher than on vc coins!

If you want to know more about the cryptocurrency circle and get first-hand cutting-edge information, please follow me and I will publish daily market analysis and recommendations on high-quality potential currencies.

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