The importance of hedging

(Please pay attention, we will publish high-quality orders in the square from time to time)

Many newbies who have just entered the contract will encounter a problem, that is, they have floating profits, but they still want to make more money without closing the position, and finally the floating profits turn into floating losses. The floating losses are a lot, and they think they can still come back, so they resist the order and do not cut their losses, and finally the position is blown up.

Here is an important operation, hedging. When the order has floating profits, if you want to chase high, first we can close part of the position, eat up part of the floating profits, and then hit the stop loss at the opening price. In this way, we have the possibility of chasing high, and at the same time we can ensure that we will not lose money when it falls back.

In addition, when the trend is wrong and the loss is magnified, you must cut your losses in time. Even if you think it can go back, why not open it below and take the risk to resist it. The greater the loss, the smaller the possibility of making money back. Only with sufficient principal can there be hope of getting back the principal. Never resist the order.

We rely on a professional team to provide high-winning and stable orders, and at the same time provide reasonable stop-profit and stop-loss points. When you make a profit, you can know when to take the profit, and when the trend is wrong, you can stop the loss in time, so as to achieve stable compound interest.

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