
The cryptocurrency world has been changing recently, so newbies should be careful!

Hello everyone, here is the freshest and most popular interpretation of the cryptocurrency world! Recently, our cryptocurrency world has been surging, let's take a look at the wonderful moments!

First of all, two Bitcoin bosses who had been "sleeping" for 10 years and 8 months suddenly woke up and executed a Bitcoin transaction with a total value of up to 61.1 million US dollars! This is just like the plot in a science fiction movie, which is amazing. It seems that the charm of Bitcoin is really unstoppable. Even after a long period of dormancy, it can be revitalized at a critical moment.

However, there are not so good things in the cryptocurrency world. It is reported that a victim unfortunately lost $134,257 worth of wstETH because of the Permit phishing signature. This reminds us again that in the digital world, security is always the first priority. Everyone must protect their accounts and passwords to avoid becoming the next victim.

At the same time, 11,218 ETH was transferred from a mysterious wallet to Coinbase, and this transaction has undoubtedly attracted widespread attention. I don't know what stories and strategies are hidden behind this.

In the field of ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds), David Bailey said that ETFs have, to some extent, acknowledged that Bitcoin will continue to exist. This undoubtedly adds a touch of color to the future development of Bitcoin. However, some people hold different views. Peter Schiff believes that the outflow of funds from Bitcoin spot ETFs will bring huge downward pressure on Bitcoin.

It seems that the trend of Bitcoin is still full of uncertainty.

In addition to Bitcoin, other cryptocurrencies are also unwilling to be lonely. Recently, 30,230,000 XRPs were transferred from an unknown wallet to Bitstamp. At the same time, a victim also lost more than $134,000 of wstETH due to the Permit phishing signature. It seems that the world of cryptocurrency is full of challenges and risks.

However, there is also good news. Meme coin TRUMP has continued to rise recently and has broken through $7.6. This is undoubtedly good news for those investors who like to pursue excitement.

Finally, it’s worth mentioning that Bitcoin’s average daily transaction fees have quadrupled since October 2023.This means that Bitcoin trading activities are becoming more frequent and the market is becoming more active. However, this also reminds us to be more cautious in the transaction process to avoid heavy losses due to high transaction fees.

In general, the world of cryptocurrency is still full of infinite possibilities and unknown challenges. As novices, we must remain vigilant and rational, and not blindly follow the trend or impulsive transactions. At the same time, we must continue to learn new knowledge and improve our investment skills and risk awareness. Only in this way can we gain a foothold and succeed in this field full of opportunities and risks!

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