📣📣Breaking news! Market strategy analysis📣📣

⚠️ The current analysis of CRV is as follows:

The 1-2-4 hour level data of the day shows that the short side is dominant. 🚨🚨🚨 Find the author Cfst888

Pay attention to the antenna price: near 0.429. If the price support is stable, you can consider a small amount of long.

The pressure levels are located near: 0.453, 0.446 and 0.436. Pay attention to the changes near these prices.

If the antenna price cannot be broken, the short side may dominate. At this time, you should pay attention to the support levels: 0.419 and 0.404.

⚠️ Reminder to all challengers:

For contract trading, defense comes first and profit comes second.

Only by taking steady steps can you win steadily.

There are risks in contract trading, so be cautious when investing!

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