In the monopoly game of Internet giants, the e-commerce industry is facing unprecedented bottlenecks. The drawbacks of centralization are becoming increasingly prominent, and problems such as rampant counterfeit goods, data silos, and uneven distribution of benefits have become stumbling blocks to the global development of e-commerce. At the same time, the rise of Web3 has given e-commerce new wings and is opening up a new blue ocean for e-commerce.

Chain merchants are the brightest pearls in this blue ocean. As the evolution of e-commerce in the Web3 era, chain merchants are creating a new business ecosystem that is global, decentralized, efficient and trustworthy. Digibuy in the INTO ecosystem is the pioneer of this chain merchant revolution. With innovative architecture design and governance mechanisms, Digibuy is building a highly compatible and resource-sharing Web3 alliance platform for global consumers, exploring a new path for e-commerce globalization.

INTO opens up a new track for global e-commerce

Over the past two decades, the e-commerce industry has flourished under the blessing of the Internet dividend, and the market size has been growing. However, as industry competition becomes increasingly fierce, the development of e-commerce has begun to encounter bottlenecks. Pain points such as monopoly, counterfeit goods, and data fragmentation have become increasingly prominent, and the traditional centralized model seems unsustainable. Global e-commerce urgently needs a "complete transformation", and Web3 pioneers such as INTO are committed to promoting this change.

First of all, decentralization is the cornerstone of INTO's construction of the chain business platform. By using technologies such as blockchain distributed ledgers, INTO ensures the fairness and transparency of business activities from the underlying architecture. In this architecture, data is no longer controlled by a centralized platform, but is stored on the chain in an encrypted and distributed manner, eliminating the possibility of black box operations. This provides a new idea for solving the "data island" and monopoly problems in the e-commerce field.

Secondly, INTO gives chain merchants wings to take off through digitalization. In the design of INTO, elements such as goods, services, and credit are all on the chain in the form of tokens and smart contracts, forming traceable and tamper-proof on-chain records. This comprehensive digitalization has greatly enhanced the credibility of commercial activities and laid a solid foundation for combating counterfeits and building trust. At the same time, digitalization also allows value to circulate and converge to the greatest extent, opening a new door for traffic aggregation for global e-commerce.

Again, incentive reshaping is a powerful tool for INTO's chain business ecosystem. Different from the pure monetary transactions of traditional e-commerce, INTO cleverly integrates the token economy and governance mechanism into it. Consumers, merchants, developers and other entities can obtain token incentives by participating in ecological construction and use tokens to participate in ecological governance. This incentive mechanism mobilizes the enthusiasm of all parties to participate and deeply binds the interests of ecological members together. At the same time, it also allows the ecological value to fully emerge and circulate, injecting a steady stream of innovative vitality into global e-commerce.

It is with core innovations such as decentralization and incentive reconstruction that INTO has opened up a new track for global e-commerce. This track points directly to the future, indicating that e-commerce will move from centralization to decentralization, from closed to open, and from single-point value to network value. In INTO's blueprint, merchants from different countries and regions can participate freely, consumers can fully trust, and value can circulate efficiently. INTO is leading e-commerce towards this new stage of development.

Digibuy: The rising star of blockchain business in the INTO ecosystem

As a global consumer alliance platform, Digibuy adheres to the INTO philosophy and is committed to reshaping business trust and eliminating business barriers with Web3. Its unique "blockchain + retail" innovation model also makes it unique among INTO's many blockchain business projects.

The highlight of Digibuy lies first in its excellent technical genes. Digibuy is well aware that in order for a global chain business platform to gain wide recognition, it must have excellent compatibility and scalability. Therefore, Digibuy adopts an open architecture, supports mainstream public chains, and realizes cross-chain collaboration through multi-chain fusion technology. At the same time, in order to cope with the demand for massive commercial data to be uploaded to the chain, Digibuy innovatively introduced the concepts of partitioning, stratification and parallel chains. These technological innovations have greatly improved the efficiency of on-chain processing and provided a solid guarantee for Digibuy's global expansion.

Secondly, Digibuy focuses on using blockchain to empower merchants and consumers. Based on the blockchain API and smart contract templates provided by INTO, Digibuy has built an easy-to-use and accessible digital toolbox for merchants. For consumers, Digibuy has designed a unique points incentive mechanism using the token economy. Consumers can get TOX token rewards while shopping, and can also use TOX to participate in merchants' marketing activities and community governance. This makes consumption a warm and participatory experience, greatly improving consumer loyalty and activity.

Furthermore, Digibuy makes full use of INTO's rich ecological resources to accelerate its global layout. Digibuy actively integrates into INTO's multi-chain collaborative network to double its business processing capabilities and coverage. At the same time, with the support of INTO's ecology, Digibuy is rapidly accumulating a large number of global merchants and consumers, laying a solid foundation for cross-border business. In addition, Digibuy is also actively working with global developers to explore e-commerce innovations and continuously expand its capabilities in payment, logistics, customer service and other aspects.

Finally, Digibuy highly agrees with INTO's governance philosophy and integrates community autonomy into its own blood. Digibuy has absorbed INTO's mature DAO governance experience and encouraged all ecological participants to use tokens to participate in major decisions of the platform. This "decentralized + incentive" community operation model has enabled Digibuy to form a strong ability of self-iteration and evolution. With the collective wisdom of countless community members, Digibuy is continuously polishing its products and services, and constantly iterating solutions that better meet market needs. From technology to ecology, from governance to operation, Digibuy can be said to be fully integrated into INTO's "blood".

INTO empowers ecosystem co-construction and injects continuous momentum into global business

In INTO's blockchain business empire, Digibuy is like a bright new star, reflecting the unique charm of INTO's empowered ecosystem. In fact, INTO has never regarded the ecosystem as a simple vassal, but as the foundation for building a global blockchain business landscape. Based on the ecological concept of "altruistic symbiosis, open empowerment", INTO is continuously injecting new impetus for ecological partners such as Digibuy to take off, and jointly build a new Web3 business ecosystem.

First of all, INTO uses the power of technology to empower the ecosystem. INTO has built a multi-chain collaborative underlying architecture based on blockchain technology, breaking through the "data islands" between different public chains. This provides efficient and reliable cross-chain transaction infrastructure for ecological partners such as Digibuy, greatly reducing the development threshold and cost of ecological partners, allowing them to focus on business innovation. Benefiting from INTO's technological dividends, Digibuy has achieved its own "acceleration" and accelerated the pace of business globalization.

Secondly, INTO uses the power of traffic to gather energy for ecological fission. Relying on a large and active user base, INTO has become the "traffic portal" of the Web3 world. Through mechanisms such as traffic mutual guidance and marketing alliances, INTO continues to import these high-quality traffic to ecological partners such as Digibuy, helping them to quickly accumulate user scale. With the traffic empowerment of INTO, Digibuy has obtained a steady stream of growth momentum and accelerated the construction of a strong user network effect.

The power of ecology is far greater than fighting alone. To this end, INTO actively builds bridges and promotes the co-creation of links between partners such as Digibuy, building an open and collaborative stage for ecological partners. On this stage, partners in different fields can complement each other's strengths and explore collaborative innovation in payment, logistics, customer service and other links. It is under the power of INTO's connection that Digibuy has accelerated the accumulation of industry resources, broadened its capabilities and development space. NTO shares its advanced governance concepts and practical experience with ecological partners, helping Digibuy and other projects to build a transparent and efficient governance mechanism. At the same time, INTO also opens its investment, incubation and other resource channels to ecological partners, providing all-round support in terms of funds, talents, markets and other aspects.

From technology to traffic, from ecology to system, INTO's series of measures to fully empower ecological development have given Digibuy the wings to take off. Digibuy's innovative practice also provides the most vivid footnote for INTO's global chain business blueprint. This is INTO's pride and hope. If INTO is the "main force" leading the chain business transformation, then Digibuy is the "vanguard" that charges forward.

The rapid growth of Digibuy also reflects the successful practice of INTO's "promoting development with the power of ecology". In fact, if we expand our vision to the entire INTO ecological landscape, we will find that more and more innovative projects similar to Digibuy are springing up. They are not only practitioners of INTO's philosophy, but also INTO's "growth engines". It is precisely with the continuous iteration of these "growth engines" that INTO can accelerate the construction of a self-circulating and sustainable global chain business ecology.