The operation of retail investors is that the more the price falls, the less coins they have, because retail investors plan to buy at 30,000 or 20,000, always want to buy at the lowest price, but when the price really falls, how many dare to buy at the bottom? It can be said that even if it falls to 10,000, they will not buy at the bottom in the end, because this is human nature. The dog dealers are different. The lower the price, the happier they are, and the more chips they can collect. When they have collected enough chips and have enough control over the market, it can be said that the price is controlled by the dog dealers. They will rise or fall as they wish, and then pull it up, and throw the chips collected at low prices to the leeks at high prices to take over, and then the price starts to fall, and retail investors continue to sell more and more as the price falls... and it goes on and on.