Nearly 120,000 bitcoins have been stolen. Are you already counting the zeros? No need to count, there are 4 zeros at the end, nearly 120,000. What kind of concept is this? If converted into US dollars, it is 5.2 billion US dollars, and if converted into RMB, it is 33 billion yuan.

If a slightly wealthy middle-class person spends about 10 million yuan in his lifetime, then this money is enough for this middle-class person to spend for 3,300 lifetimes, not 3,300 years. Well, if this money is distributed among China's 1.4 billion people, each person can get 22 yuan, which is enough for a work meal.图片

The cryptocurrency thief was not caught until six years after the incident. Incredibly, the thieves were an American couple, one a software developer and the other an entrepreneur. The two young couples were not caught until 2022. This time, only 94,000 of the coins were found. The final result is also intriguing. Such a high-value digital asset was confiscated.

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The exchange that was robbed is Bitfinex, a centralized cryptocurrency exchange. It was hacked at the time. However, after investigation, it was found that the attack method of the young couple was not sophisticated, but rather obvious conventional methods. It is also conceivable that in the first few years of the development of blockchain, how many technical loopholes were there at the bottom? Even 8 years after the incident, cryptocurrency thefts have continued to occur.图片

It is well-known that in November 2023, $30 million of cryptocurrency was stolen from the HTX exchange. Sun Yuchen responded urgently and said that he would fully compensate users for the loss of cryptocurrency on the platform. The incident was settled, but the theft of cryptocurrency is always a frightening thing. Because in September of that year, the HTX exchange had already suffered a theft of $8 million.

The repeated theft of cryptocurrencies has dealt a heavy blow to digital assets supported by blockchain. Blockchain, which has the golden halo of decentralization, claims to be a revolution in the era of centralization, but it has also seen more asset losses than in the era of centralization. This has undoubtedly dealt a cold blow to many cryptocurrency enthusiasts and has also undermined people's confidence in cryptocurrencies.图片

Blockchain has unparalleled transaction traceability, which is one of its major advantages, but the timeliness of its traceability often depends on people in the real world, which may be very soon or may be a few years. Security enhancement is a difficult problem. Millions or tens of millions of dollars are easily stolen, which affects many small users, and their entire belongings may be in it.

The above are only caused by technical loopholes in the exchange. In reality, many encrypted assets are lost due to their own use. In summary, the security of blockchain still has a long way to go.

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