5.15 Academician of the Coin Circle: Bitcoin once again took 2,000 points, accurately judge the changes in the market, deeply analyze the market trends, and grasp the key points for layout

This wave of 60,800 retracement to cover positions, stop profit at 63,000, and take 2,200 points of space at the current price. Isn’t it perfect and almost exactly the same as predicted? Bitcoin has a U-shaped transition. After reaching the 63,000 mark, it will fluctuate in the range for some time. Learn to wait for opportunities with empty positions, and consider layout after clear signals appear. Don’t overdraw transactions.

Let’s look at today’s market. It’s two o’clock in the morning. The current price of Bitcoin is 62,800 , the daily K-line broke the EMA trend indicator to a maximum of around 63450. It is a pity that it did not break 63500, otherwise the market sentiment would be driven up again. It seems that this wave will continue to wash around 63000. KDJ began to shrink inward, MACD increased its volume, and DIF and DEA pulled up from a low position. Although the gap was filled, it is still below the downward trend line. Whether it can break through 63500 and occupy a new area depends on whether the market is strong this time. The pressure of 62300 in the Bollinger Band has become the current support. Focus on the changes in the market near the trend line.

The four-hour K-line was obviously blocked by the pressure near 63,500, and began to step back to seek support points. The idea is to step back to support and not break the layout. KDJ began to close downward. After MACD increased its volume and went up, DIF and DEA formed a two-level differentiation. The polarization has always been in the consolidation stage. I have mentioned this market situation many times in previous articles. You can refer to it. Now DIF has stood on the 0 axis. Before DEA does not cross the 0 axis, the market will not change much. The four-hour K-line broke the upper rail of the Bollinger band at 62,800. It is expected that there will be a wave of stepping back. The four-hour K-line will not leave the Bollinger Band for too long, and will return to the Bollinger Channel. The idea is to mainly buy low and sell high,

The idea of ​​ultra-short contracts is as follows:

If the 62000 to 62300 range is not broken, there will be many layouts. The 63300 to 63500 range is the first exit point. After the break, pay attention to the 65000 to 65500 range, and stop loss 400 points.

The entry point for short selling requires accurate judgment of the market before entering the market. No reference point for short selling is provided for the time being. The main focus is on low and long. After the long orders are profitable, the short position will wait for opportunities.

The specific operation ideas are mainly based on the market data. For more information details, please contact the author. There is a delay in the release of the article. The suggestions are for reference only and the risks are borne by yourself.

As a senior person in the currency circle, I have been committed to providing useful suggestions for everyone. I hope that everyone will take fewer detours and make fewer wrong orders in this market. Although I am sincere, the road of investment still needs to be explored by yourself. Learning is endless, and the experience learned is the real wealth!

There is no need to over-display your strength. The key is to get more people's recognition. On the road of investment, it is more important to do yourself well than to prove your strength to others. Whether it is a mule or a horse, you will know it by pulling it out for a walk.

I am an academician of the currency circle and a warrior who strives to protect leeks. I wish my fans to achieve financial freedom in 2024. Come on!

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