
Why do many people who don't understand Bitcoin love to slander it?

Hi, new friends in the currency circle! Today I want to talk to you about an interesting phenomenon: Why do many people who obviously don't understand Bitcoin always like to slander and criticize it?

Imagine that you have just started to contact Bitcoin and are full of curiosity and expectations about this mysterious digital currency. However, when you mention it to people around you, they may pour cold water on you, saying that it is unreliable, a pyramid scheme, and a scam. This makes you feel very confused, right?

In fact, this phenomenon is not uncommon. Just like when I was a child, I studied e-commerce at home. At that time, people in the village didn't understand it. They thought that I stayed up late every day and was lazy and lived on the money at home. When I started to make money, they said that I was doing pyramid schemes and selling fakes. This prejudice and misunderstanding actually comes from their ignorance and lack of understanding of new things.

The same is true for Bitcoin. For many people, it is a brand new concept. They don't understand how it works, don't know its value, and even worry that it will bring instability. Therefore, they chose the simplest way to express their position: slander and attack.

However, as time goes by, more and more people begin to understand Bitcoin and recognize its potential and value. Just like I started from e-commerce and gradually gained the understanding and support of the villagers. Bitcoin is also gradually being accepted and recognized by people.

Of course, there are still some people who will say: "I don't understand Bitcoin, so I don't do it." This is actually an escapist mentality. They are unwilling to understand and learn new things, and are afraid that their knowledge system and concepts will be challenged. However, in the era of rapid development, only by constantly learning and adapting to new things can we maintain competitiveness.

Finally, I want to say: Don't give up Bitcoin because of others' slander and attacks. It is a field full of opportunities and challenges. Only those who dare to try and learn can seize future opportunities. So, let's work hard to learn and explore the world of Bitcoin!

Ares has also been ambushing a currency that is about to explode recently, with a short-term 30% and a long-term 5-8 times. As I said, if you take the initiative to come to me, I will take you ashore, and you just lie down,

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The God of War will not let my fans miss out in this bull market! This is the truth!