Now everyone is waiting to see who can keep a steady mind and not be impulsive.

Because in the next few months, the stock market is likely to usher in a period of big rise.

However, once the market rises rapidly, many people will be afraid to buy in,

fearing to buy at a high point. In this way, they may miss the opportunity to make money and miss out.

A few months later, some digital currencies with good performance may rise very sharply,

perhaps more than five times the current level. However, in the face of such a rise,

many people will hesitate, fearing that the market will fall after chasing high.

In fact, this is the weakness of human nature. When you see the price rise, you worry that it will fall;

When you see the price fall, you worry that it will continue to fall.

Finally, when the market really rises, you don’t seize the opportunity and miss it.

As we usually say, when buying stocks or digital currencies,

the most important thing is to have patience and judgment, don’t blindly follow the trend,

and don’t make decisions easily because of temporary rises and falls.

Of course, if you are an aggressive investor, please ignore my article.

For details, follow me.

I still say that if you come to me, I will take you ashore, and you just lie down.

Friends who deduct 999 in the comment area, please take a closer look at my personal pinned post to take you ashore! (Free)🌹

Jiu Ge will not let my fans miss out in this bull market! This is the truth👈Collapse

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