Withdrawal of U leads to bank non-counter risk control?

Now more and more, almost most people have this situation, and it is not that they receive black money, but the bank will simply conduct risk control, and they also ask to submit information.

First of all, you need to know why the bank will conduct risk control on you? Then how to deal with it?

The bank conducts risk control based on your big data, and there are several judgment criteria: (According to this standard, pay attention to the withdrawal amount and the use regulations of bank cards)

1: Whether there has been a transaction with the person involved in the two cards

2: Whether there has been a transaction with the suspect involved in the case

3: Abnormal flow, very inconsistent with the usual consumption habits

4: Fast in and out

5: Sudden large amount of flow

6: Sudden large amount of cash deposit

There are two major categories: abnormal flow and transaction object

For example, if you are a loser who spends 500 yuan a month, the currency circle suddenly makes 10 million, 2 million in the account, it does not meet the requirements

How to deal with it?

First of all, you should be more aggressive when you call. Why can't you use your bank card? You are doing building materials business, water business, why do you need to risk control your bank card?

If you are talking about virtual currency, 90% of you need to go to the anti-fraud center to get a certificate. It is difficult to get a certificate for virtual currency.

The first step is to call and solve it. Let you cancel the card, withdraw money, or transfer money.

Don't think that you can use this card later. The non-counter doesn't want to use it at that moment.

There are risks and opportunities in the currency circle. If you haven't found a suitable team and leader, you might as well use the page to play the God of Wealth. Free dry goods and benefits are shared with you. Remember, opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared.

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