The SEC continues to cause trouble for ETH. Will it be a black swan this year?

Recently, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)’s regulatory actions on Ethereum (ETH) have attracted widespread market attention. The SEC seems to intend to define ETH as a security. This news caused an uproar in the cryptocurrency community, and the price of ETH also plummeted.

First of all, we must understand that once ETH is defined as a security, it will bring a series of far-reaching impacts. First of all, this means that ETH on the Ethereum platform may be completely delisted. At the same time, a large number of public chains will also face strict scrutiny by the SEC. This will have a big impact on the entire cryptocurrency market.

So why would the SEC want to define ETH as a security? This is mainly because there are significant differences in the scope of regulation between securities and commodities. Securities can only be traded on specific securities platforms, such as Nasdaq in the United States or global stock markets. Commodities can be traded on any platform without such restrictions. In addition, securities involve financing issues. After obtaining funds, project parties need to disclose the use of funds and the progress of the project. This may be a big challenge for many cryptocurrency projects.

However, despite the uncertainty the SEC’s regulatory actions have brought to the market, some believe it could be a good thing for the entire cryptocurrency market. Because if ETH is defined as a security, it will be subject to more stringent regulation, which will help reduce fraud and market manipulation. For investors, this also means that they can invest more confidently without worrying about the project party taking the money and running away.

However, currently, most of the cryptocurrency community is opposed to the SEC’s regulatory actions. Many project parties and community members believe that ETH is decentralized and should not be defined as a security. Companies such as ConsenSys even point out directly that ETH is not a security, but a commodity. The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) also agrees that ETH is a commodity.

However, despite these objections, the SEC does not appear to be giving up on its plans to regulate ETH. They stated that they will continue to investigate and review ETH to determine whether it should be defined as a security.

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