The true meaning of trading from loss to enlightenment

1. Trend is a phenomenon that can only be seen after the fact. You see it and say it is a trend, that's because it has come out. But the so-called trend can turn around at any time, it can also fluctuate, or it can continue. The trader who can really make money in the trend is the one who finds the turning point, only trades at the turning point, and keeps getting the next turning point

2. The most difficult part of trading is not choosing coins or buying and selling, but waiting. Trading is actually very simple, just see the direction clearly and wait patiently for the trend. Only by eating the trend can you make big money. Don't always think about making quick money by frequent trading, you must accept the result of not opening for three years and eating for three years after opening. So when you feel particularly tired of trading, it is time to stop and reflect on yourself

3. The key to making money in trading is to make small losses and big profits. There is no direct relationship between the prediction right or wrong and the profit and loss. When you make a mistake, you will leave the market with a small loss like the wind. When you make a right decision, you will dare to hold on and be as firm as a mountain.

Fourth, choose strong coins and avoid weak coins. Current hot topics, mainstream themes, market sentiment, coin price increases, moving average bullish trends, in line with current capital hot spots

Five. The certainty in trading is to buy if you buy right, buy wrong, sell if you sell right, and sell if you buy wrong. Unity of knowledge and action, leave the results to probability and luck

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