In a bull market, the opportunity to ambush soaring coins seems to be easier than ever before, but blindly chasing the rise may lead to being stuck at high positions, or even missing the entire bull market.

In the repeated washing of the BTC market, how should we deal with it besides waiting bitterly? In fact, if you review the market in the currency circle, you will find that 20% of the time, the currency market is a so-called unilateral market, and 80% of the time it is a volatile market.

Because it is rare to say which sector, which currency, or which stock has such a continuous upward trend, this does not exist. 20% of the time it is unilateral, and 80% of the time it is volatile, that is to say, when you trade, most of the time you will face this volatile market. So for the volatile market, you must have a set of appropriate coping methods! (q1un homepage)

In a bull market, there are opportunities everywhere, but if you are greedy and want to catch them everywhere, it will definitely not be good in the end. On the contrary, as long as you catch the main rising wave of a sector, it is enough to make you a lot of money. If you are lucky, catch the sector rotation and catch the main rising wave of 2 waves, then you will make unimaginable wealth.

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