When good fortune comes

35 to 45 years old, it is best to turn good fortune.

Too early, it is easy to be arrogant;

Too late, you can't enjoy life.

If good fortune comes one day and makes you rich, you must always remind yourself. Don't forget how you ran without an umbrella in those days of heavy rain; don't forget how you survived those days of being so poor that you had to go hungry for nine meals in three days.

More importantly, remember to help those who are running in the heavy rain and those who are wandering around and suffering from hunger and cold, love them, and repay them with your heart.

Don't worry

Good luck will fall on you!

Recently, I like a sentence very much, which is to allow everything to happen. Everything that happens itself is impossible for you to stop it. You are afraid or not afraid, so you should choose to let it go and stop fighting with it.

What is truly powerful is acceptance, acceptance of the impermanence of the world, acceptance of setbacks, acceptance of sudden powerlessness, acceptance of some of your own imperfections, acceptance of confusion, uneasiness, anxiety and regrets. Then adjust your state and find the strength to move forward.

When you are in a trough and have bad luck, it is also the time when you are about to usher in your highlight moment, because God will put the best things on the other side of suffering.

Everything will be fine! $FRONT $TRB