#新币挖矿 #山寨币热点 #ETFvsBTC

Those things women taught me, must read when you go home for blind dates

1. If the opposite sex agrees to travel with you alone, it basically means that you will stay together at night and just book a room

It is most taboo to pretend to be a gentleman at this time

If nothing happens between two people who have traveled together, they will basically lose contact in the future

2. When a woman is willing to drink with you, she can no longer hide any worries in her heart

At this time, you must guide her to talk and let her vent all her grievances

If you feel that the time is almost right, go up and hug her

This is an irresistible warmth and the best comfort for her

Isn't this better than preaching?

3. When dating, don't go to the movies, wasting two hours doing nothing

Take her to ride a roller coaster and take her to drive

Yes! It is a project related to cars

4. A man can have no house or car, but he cannot have no fashion sense or hairstyle

Otherwise, he will lose face when going out with you

5. What does "no feeling for you" mean?

If you never hold hands, you have no feeling for you

If you never hug, you have no feeling for you

If you always treat her well, you have no feeling

She can feel that you are a nice guy who is a bit boring, but she really has no feeling for you

6. Don't deliberately show off your advantages or talk about your past glory

Showing off is the beginning of losing value

Even if you are very capable, as long as you add the element of "showing off", you will instinctively disgust others

7. In addition to being rich and beautiful, there is another super practical way to improve your relationship with the opposite sex, which can highlight your emotional intelligence, that is - praise more

Who can say nice words Also willing to listen

If one day you ask for leave or resign

The people you often praise can't see you anymore, they will definitely feel inexplicably sad from time to time

They may even contact you actively

8. Pay more attention to the eyes of the people you like or care about

Even if she finds you looking at her and you look at each other, don't avoid it

She may also be expecting you to convey some information to her

Eye contact is equivalent to a spiritual kiss

9. Don't be impatient about love, but you must not delay it for too long

Because the feelings between men and women have a window period

Once the window period is closed, you will miss the opportunity

If you feel that she likes you, just invite her out

You can go on a roller coaster, drive, or travel

10. You don’t need to learn those so-called "high EQ" chat skills on the Internet. Just chat normally. Some fancy things will make you look greasy

The important thing is to find a way to make her interested in you

If she is interested in you, she will be able to talk to you about the international situation

I wish you success! $PEPE $BTC