After experiencing a round of decline recently, the market started to fluctuate, with various false breakthroughs on the 4h line and precise pin-out contracts. It is becoming more and more difficult for secondary market traders, especially since the market value of new coins is several billion US dollars once they are launched, leaving very little space for the secondary market. Now the leeks are also hardened and smart and will not foolishly take over. I am also helpless and want to provide high-quality and cheap projects to everyone, but the general trend of the market is like this, so more and more people are forced to participate in the primary market. REZ, ENA, BB, Eigen, etc. give you primary market coins by staking points., let you use graphics cards to mine primary market coins. NOT, let you use your hands to click to get primary market coins, and so on.

The biggest problem with this kind of gameplay is that the rules are set by the project party themselves. What you think of as a blind box gameplay is actually a secret operation by many project parties. They batch-up numbers in advance, and then use the rules to eliminate the witch studio to maximize their own interests. So what everyone sees is that the team unlocks the tokens after one or two years just to let you see, so that everyone can rest assured that the project party will continue to work hard to output for one or two years. In fact, the airdrops have been secretly taken. There have been such things in the past. There were those who entered the circle early. AMPL gave airdrops to FORTH a few months in advance. The number of addresses on the ampl chain increased by hundreds or thousands every day, all of which were small amounts. Some people thought that the project party did it for the sake of increasing the number of addresses holding coins for the sake of the big board. Who knew that it was a new governance coin that did not look at the number of holdings, but at the length of time it was on the chain to eat inflation and deflation.

In the last DYM airdrop, after the announcement but before the airdrop, you could get DYM by staking OSMO. This time, BB also said that there was a bug, and you could get points without participating in funds for those two days. I guess this is a backdoor left by the project party for themselves.

So, as the old saying goes, if you can’t beat them, join them. For some projects, those who observe on-chain activities and are good at data analysis can study the project’s number distribution patterns on the chain and make a fortune.

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