#山寨币热点 #ETH


Daily stories in the cryptocurrency circle:

Stock trading is like gambling. I, a graduate of a professional school, lost 1 million yuan by leveraging stocks. I was depressed in the middle and had to repay the loan for 3 years. I dare not tell my family

In fact, it is more fierce to leverage contracts for cryptocurrency trading. It is easy to blow up. Those who understand will understand. If you quit and re-plan your future path, you can still regroup.

Although it is very sad, it is getting better slowly, and I firmly believe that I can live a normal life.

1. Going astray:

Graduated with a degree in financial management, I lost 1 million yuan by speculating in US stocks and A-shares. I still owe 300,000 yuan on my credit card and 200,000 yuan on my friend's private loan. The monthly interest is nearly 6,000 yuan, and I am struggling to repay.

I graduated from college in 2014 and majored in financial management. After graduation, I worked in accounting, but I was struggling every month. My monthly salary was about 3,000 yuan, which was not enough to live in a second-tier city.

Because I studied financial analysis and securities analysis in college, and I also loved reading Buffett's books. It happened to be the "bull market" in 2015. At that time, I didn't know how to invest, so I used my credit card and bought a lot of stocks.

Before May 2015, I made a small profit of tens of thousands. I was very happy at that time and felt that good days were just around the corner. But in June 2015, the stock market plummeted, and I lost tens of thousands. This was my first big loss. At that time, I couldn't sleep painfully because of the loss of tens of thousands.

Later, I felt that I had a strong learning ability, and I went to analyze and study stocks, and tasted a lot of sweetness. My own funds are getting bigger and bigger. In the middle, I invested in a lot of liquor stocks and made a lot of money. During the National Day of 2020, I saw on the website how others made money by buying Tencent, and I was eager to try it. I asked someone to apply for a Hong Kong bank card. I not only want to dabble in A shares, but also study Hong Kong stocks and US stocks.

At that time, my wife also trusted me very much and gave me the wedding gift and the money she had saved. I was a young and brave man. I opened a leveraged A-share to buy liquor stocks. Wuliangye went from 50 yuan to nearly 280 yuan, and Luzhou Laojiao also went to 300 yuan.

At this time, my confidence was very high. I didn’t study US stocks seriously, but I bought a lot of long options on Chinese Internet companies (Tencent, Alibaba, Pinduoduo, etc.).

I remember one day, my long call option on Pinduoduo rose 16 times, but then A-shares and US Internet stocks suffered huge losses, and I was liquidated. I won’t take a screenshot of the specific stock account. I was shocked when I recalled it. In the stock account, in addition to my own and my wife’s money, there was also money from relatives. Because I had too much leverage, I lost nearly 800,000.

At that time, I woke up from my sleep at 5 o'clock every morning, and my heart would hurt severely (I later learned that I had depression). I was afraid that my family would know, but later the truth was revealed and my wife found out. I had a big fight with my wife and was blamed to death by her.

2. Revitalize and work like crazy until now

The intensity of my work is unimaginable for ordinary people.

In May 2022, in order to pay off debts, I started a part-time job in finance. The interest every month is like a knife. After get off work every day, I went to the agency accounting company to do part-time accounting. On Saturday and Sunday mornings, I had to get up at 7 o'clock and work until 12 o'clock at night to go home. Sometimes I am really tired and have to sleep when I get home. In addition to my daily salary of 10,000 yuan per month, my part-time income is about 7,000 yuan. After two years of working as a "007", I have lost my addiction to stocks. I remember deeply that whether it was a typhoon or a hot summer or a cold winter, I would squeeze into the bus to save money. I couldn't bear to take a taxi.

Two years ago, a childhood friend told me some truths, which I remember deeply. Stock trading is: "Ten years of chopping wood and one year of burning it." The business model of stock trading is not good, and it is not very accumulative. I lost it all in one go.

3. Debt situation:

I still owe money to friends and banks, but we have negotiated and gradually repay it every month. "It is easy to borrow money but difficult to repay it." I was urged by friends in the middle, and there were many unpleasant things, but I still didn't trade stocks again. I work hard every month and repay some money to friends one after another. Friends also know my difficulties and don't urge me.

4. My current self:

With the economic downturn in the past two years, the financial accounting business has also been shrinking. I have been preparing for danger in times of peace. Since June last year, I have been working on a historical knowledge account on a short video platform. When there is no agency accounting business, I will shoot short videos. I learned editing, copywriting, and reading historical materials. My fans have increased to 1.30,000, still working hard (there is still a threshold, I studied liberal arts in high school and like history).

In my spare time, I am greedy for money, I do anything that can make money, I work multiple jobs, no income here, there is income there. Help finance college students with homework, deliver some part-time takeaways, work as an "actor" in a real estate company, and sell insurance part-time. In the past two years, I have paid off about 100,000 debts. I dare not take a break every day, I dare not overdue. The current pressure is much less, and I have gained a lot of weight.

Debt is really not terrible. The most important thing is to take action. If you have the ability to pay, you must find a way to solve it. Don't make any excuses for yourself. If you are like me, hiding it from your family and only you know it, then if you want to solve it yourself, you must make a hundred times the effort, make a good plan for yourself, set a goal, and achieve it step by step according to your own goals and plans. A man must be able to bend and stretch, prove himself with results, and let those who look down on you look at him with new eyes.

My method may not be suitable for everyone, but the efforts I made are worth learning from. There are thousands of methods. Find something that interests you and work hard for it. Finally, I hope that all debtors can get out of the sea of ​​suffering as soon as possible.