The meaning of experience is to guide you, not to define you. The market showed a weak upward momentum at midnight, and I thought there was hope for a slow recovery, but it was a paper tiger and failed soon. The highest point was only 61823, and then it fluctuated around 61000-61500. The market at midnight was generally volatile, so the short-term view of the Silk Road is also good. The market is more tempering our will, so don't be anxious, it just gives us time to slow down; rest or think, thinking from a different angle may not be so anxious. #BTC走势分析 #ETFvsBTC #ETH $BTC $ETH $BNB

Lian Xu's small range of oscillations over the past few days, the short string can capture few clues from the disk, maybe it's hard to say whether faith is more applicable at this time. It can be seen that the previous day's daily K closed with a cross star, and yesterday's daily K also closed with a positive, and the stop after the Yin stacked and the small floating warmed up. At this point, I personally still have full confidence in the Duo head. At present, the small-level structure is also biased towards the Duo form, so the early and afternoon layout can still be arranged around the Duo.

Big cake: 60900-61400 Duo, pay attention to 62500

Aunt: 2905-2925 Duo, pay attention to 2980