No one can go back to the past, but everyone can start from now. Looking back at the market today, there is really nothing to say after taking a look at the market. At most, the oscillation range was slightly expanded in the afternoon. There is also 800 points of space from 60557 to 61361. There is nothing else to see. The Silk Road in the day is basically based on the Duo. There is still a little strength in the short string. The big cake and Yitai Duodan given have won 531+26 points of space to leave the factory. Perhaps most people are very headache and troubled by the recent market. It is understandable that greed is at work. It is normal to play coins without greed. What else is there to play? But don't worry, even if the current reality deviates from the ideal, we are out of reach but we must keep going. #BTC走势分析 #ETFvsBTC #ETH $BTC $ETH $BNB

Nothing happened last night, I don't know if it will be the same tonight. As for the market, the four-hour chart shows two consecutive positives in the short term. During this period, the market has been trying to go up the middle track but failed. It has now reached the edge of the middle track. It is still optimistic that the market will stabilize. Other indicators are also biased towards the dot pattern. Radical friends can directly dot in Xianjia. Midnight Silk Road is still around the dot pattern.

Big Cake: 60900-61400 dot, look at 62500

Aunt: 2915-2935 dot, look at 2980